Council Tax and Parish Precept 2024/2025
The Parish Council considered the detailed budget and the precept request (the amount the Parish Council requires for meeting the expenses of running the Council) for the year 2024 / 25 at the meeting on 4th December and on receipt of the Council Tax Base, resolved to approve the draft budget at the meeting on 15th January.
The budget took into account the range of parish responsibilities, including management and maintenance of the Parish Rooms, playground maintenance/ grass cutting and the possible future refurbishment of Swarthmoor Playground, meeting staffing and general administrative costs and utilities, building general reserves to meet the proper financial practices as set out the Joint Panel for Accountability and Governance, grounds maintenance reserves and help in funding Community Led Plan and community grants.
The Parish Council was given the Tax Base figure (broadly, the number of Band D equivalent dwellings in the village) by WAF which was estimated at 764.4; this was a slight decrease from 768.11 the previous year.
Following the calculations, it was agreed to increase the Precept to £14,494.36 (supported by a Parish Grant from WAF of £183.64) which was an increase of £1,379.23 for the total precept.
The annual cost to a Band D household would be approximately £19.20 – an increase of £1.89 over the whole year.
More information about how the Tax Base figure is calculated is available on the Parish Council website at Financing the Parish Council.
The draft budget and precept calculations can also be found on the Parish Council website under Financing the Parish Council.