
Councillors & MP

Parish Councillors as at May 2023

Parish Councillors are elected every 4 years, the last election was held in 2023 and both wards were uncontested.


Lorraine Thompson


Email: lorraineppc@outlook.com




Helen Slater


Email: helensppc@outlook.com


Yvonne Athersmith

Esther Corbett

Ross Corbett

Kim Squires

Harold Stretch





Email: yvonneppc@outlook.com




Email: haroldsppc@outlook.com





The Parish is made up of 2 Wards – Swarthmoor (being the largest ward and representing 5 of the 7 Parish Council seats) and Pennington (the smaller ward, representing 2 of the 7 Parish Council seats).

The Parish Council currently has the following vacancies:

Swarthmoor Ward – 0 vacancies
Pennington Ward   – 0 vacancies

We would like to encourage members of the community to consider taking on this rewarding role. It is important that we continue to represent the views and concerns of residents with local, county and national agendas and initiatives, this is only possible through community engagement and representation. Please do not hesitate to contact the Parish Clerk if you would like to discuss becoming a parish councillor.

Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer:

Lynn Bell
Tel. 01229 242166
E mail: penningtonpc@yahoo.co.uk

Westmorland and Furness Councillors

Councillor Ben Cooper
Email: ben.cooper@westmorlandandfurness.gov.uk
Low Furness Ward
Conservative Party


Councillor Matt Brereton
Email: matt.brereton@westmorlandandfurness.gov.uk
High Furness Ward
Conservative Party

Member of Parliament

Michelle Scrogham

Email: michelle.scrogham.mp@parliament.uk