Residents should recently have received correspondence from Highways England regarding the proposed roundabout at Cross a Moor.  The Parish Council has been contacted by members of the community who are concerned about the proposed layout of the roundabout and the impact this will have on pedestrian and road safety. We have shared your concerns with Cllr Willis who is in contact with Highways England,  Highways Cumbria and Cumbria County Council. We have been informed that there are plans to carry out a safety audit on the road network and that there will be community consultation events held in the new year. We cannot confirm how and when these consultation events will be held but will keep residents up to date through our usual channels. We would encourage you to send any concerns and comments you have to Highways England on tel no 0300 123 5000, or by email on It would be very helpful if you could include Cllr Willis and the parish council in your contact. This will enable us to identify common themes which we will use to form our response. Cllr Willis can be contacted on